DX, CW only or do some people do voice too?
On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 18:17:51 -0500, "Dee Flint"
"Jeff" wrote in message
Does anyone do anything besides CW while DX'ing? I still have to
learn/practice CW but would like to try my hand at DX. I know that CW
is generally most efficient at low power, but if you don't yet know
it..it isn't much help..
Oh yes there's a lot of DX on voice. Generally the pile ups are bigger and
more unruley though. That makes it quite a bit harder. Then of course the
signal to noise ratio is also poorer. However, I've worked quite a few on
voice using no more than 100 watts and a G5RV.
Dee, N8UZE
I have worked all but 2 countries on both Voice and CW (only missing
the 2 newest entities) plus over 200 on RTTY. I find it easier to
work DX on CW but they both have their unique quirks. CW is more fun
and I worked my first 180 with less than 100 W and dipoles.