Roy Lewallen wrote in
Suzy wrote:
I am building a 70 cm Yagi. I want to make a balun out of a loop of
coax (yes, I know there are other methods but I prefer this one). My
question is, will rg58 do.
Yes, provided that you won't be exceeding its power rating.
Also, comparing like losses to like losses, should it be 50
ohm or 75 ohm and why?
Only the outside diameter is significant in determining the balun
operation, and the only real effect that will have is in determining
the number of turns and size you'll need to get effective balun
operation. You should use the same impedance of coax as you use for
feeding your Yagi, unless you intentionally want a mismatch for some
Roy Lewallen, W7EL
I think you have misread the context, Suzy's application is a 1:4 balun
for a 70cm Yagi, formed from a half wave balun to provide the phase
inverted output of the balun.
She asked this question in another place five weeks or so ago, and my
response was:
=== quote
If you have designed the dipole feed point to be 200 ohms so that the
balun you describe transforms it to 50 ohms, the load on the half wave
section is 100 ohms and it has a VSWR of 2:1 if it is 50 ohm coax.
The loss on the half wave section will be increased by the higher VSWR.
The loss on a half wave of RG213 (Zo=50) at 432MHz with a 100 ohm load is
0.136dB, whereas it is 0.104dB for RG11 (Zo=75).
Does this say 75 ohm line is best. No, it says that RG11 is better than
You can explore these and other options with the loss calculator at .
If you can't talk about it in numbers, do you really understand it?
Be ware of using low loss cables with foam dielectric for the balun...
check their minimum bending radius.
Don't depend on published velocity factor in cutting the balun, measure
vf and cut to tune the balun for the desired frequency.
===end quote
Apparently this is not regarded as a recommendation with explanation.
Roy, you may have a better turn of phrase.