Odd stub wire in Zenith
Yes, R6 is the 2.2meg resistor shown and C9 is the paper cap in the top left
with it's sleeved lead sloping down to the same tag. It is interesting that
the C9 lead and the 'odd' wire are of equal length.
Neil S.
"Ken" wrote in message
Neil S wrote:
I have just started restoration of a Zenith "Universal" 6G601M [S/N
T556876] and have noted two odd things about the almost untouched
1. there is a sleeved wire coming from the grid of the 3Q5 output tube
and laying across the socket of the 117Z6 rectifier, but not connected at
the far end. According to the schematic and common sense, this wire
serves no purpose, but is clearly factory original. In photo see it
coming from the tag just behind the 2.2meg resistor and across the socket
and ending over the grey wire. Since the grid impedance is almost a
megohm, one might think it would pick up hum.
2. The orientation of the sockets for the 1LN4 IF and 1LH4 detector/1st
audio are substantially different than that shown in the Riders schematic
[Zenith Page 13-17] and the pin numbers are not shown on the schematic,
only the function callout on the socket voltage diagram. I have not
noticed this sort of error before.
Neil S.
Are C9 and R6 in the circuit? Ken