----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Hill"
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.pictures.radio
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 1:52 AM
Subject: marantz 250 amp early 70s
"Buck Frobisher" wrote in message
"Brian Hill" wrote in message
Here it is almost done.
Hill Amplification
Brian's Radio Universe
wow, looks like lots of work, despite the fairly open look of the various
boards. You had to completely take one out?
Yea I had to go over it all. The main failure was that a number of carbon
comp resistors went south in the HV circuits and the voltage went way up
frying a few transistors etc... So I replaced all the carbon comps and
most of the capacitors minus the mica types which all tested good. The
circuit boards are all very robust being about 3/16" thick with heavy
trace. It's a nice well designed amp. I rebuilt the power supply relay too
and hope it works? I give it the smoke test tomarrow!
Good luck! that should last you for another 30-40 years...