Good AM/FM/SW "Fringe Area" Receiver?
ron wrote:
Need some ideas for a good AM/FM/SW "Fringe Area" receiver with good
selectivity and sensitivity for rural area reception.
Must be 120VAC power source. Battery power can be optional but not
necessary. Can be table or portable.
As far as AM goes, you can make a huge difference with almost any radio
by adding an external antenna. I live in southeastern Arizona and
reception becomes sporadic at night (not to mention the number of
frequencies that are dominated by Mexican stations).
I can often peak up stations on my ATS-909 by using my
inductively-coupled Select-A-Tenna loop and carefully tuning and
rotating the loop. I can't speak for the other external AM antennas --
I'm sure that there are others that would work substantially better.
Green Valley AZ