Unfortunately I can't list this item as for sale world wide as I use to
be able to in the new Ebay seller's tools. In order for that to happen,
I need to know prior what the shipping weight, and shipping costs would
be! That's not possible so I have to show it as US. I will ship it
ANYWHERE as long as the buyer is willing to pay the shipping charges.
Drawing conclusions and assumptions without asking a question through
the auction is quite simplistic on your part. If you're a serious buyer
on this item, then please ask all the questions you like and I'll give
you answers as best I can. If not, then your comments and premonitions
of things are incorrect. Send an email off to Ebay to bring back their
old auction format and then all sellers could list it so it shows up as
available internationally. Seems like some folks forget there are other
places in the world besides the US. A good geography atlas or looking at
a few world maps would show this.
geek wrote:
Let's see... the item is located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, but you'll ship it
only to the US..... brilliant.