On Feb 3, 10:56 pm, RHF wrote:
On Feb 3, 6:35 pm, wrote:
On Feb 3, 5:08 pm, RHF wrote:
SAN-EARTH M5C Conductive Cement for Grounding Systems
SAN-EARTH is used to build Conductive Concrete Grounding Electrodes.
SAN-EARTH absorbs moisture from the surrounding soil
and hardens to become a Conductive Solid.
SAN-EARTH covered Copper Electrodes last ten times longer
than Bare Copper Ground Wwires.
Note - The surface area of the Electrode is dramatically
increased, Resistance to Ground is substantially reduced
and surge Impedance is lowered significantly.
SAN-EARTH Electrodes provide the low Resistance Ground
that is essential to any Lightning Protection System.
SAN-EARTH Technical Reviewhttp://www.sankosha-usa.com/pdf/san-earth-tech.pdf
Typical Installation of an In-the-Ground Radial
{Lateral Electrode} using San-Earth.http://www.sankosha-usa.com/pdf/san-earth-lateral.pdf
Has Anybody Used This Stuff ?
How Does The Stuff Work ?
Would You Buy / Use It Again ?
i want to know - cause iane ~ RHF {pomkia}
-ps- Telamon be sure to Count* this as another one
of my 'Clueless Posts' -cause- IT IS ! ;-{
Plus Extra Credit for the : Cut, Copy and Paste Stuff.
* Rec.Radio.Shortwave Newsgroup Readers :
Please I Need Your Votes ! -and- I Want Your Votes !
In this Weeks Race for the RRS "Clueless Troll" Award.
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May You Never Tire of Listening to the Radio and Always
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= = = = Plain Old American-English Translation = = = =
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/ \
- I never heard of this.
- If it didn't come out of Japan, I'd suspect it was snake oil.
- However, googling I found other conductive concrete links.
- This one looks pretty cool :
Wow a Concrete Bridge with a building De-Icing System.
[ Electric Road Bed Warmer ]
Roca Spur Bridge located on Nebraska Highway 77 South
about 24 km (15 miles) south of Lincoln, NE
-source- University of Nebraska .
Conductive Cement Materials {Formula} :
* Steel Fibers of variable lengths amounted to 1.5%
* Carbon Products of different particle sizes amounted
to 25% per volume of the Conductive Concrete
* Crushed Limestone of 13-mm (0.5-in.) maximum size
* Nebraska 47B Fine Aggregate were also used in the mix
-ps- Using locally available {within State} Rock products.
Question - Couldn't you make/mix {Home Brew} your own "Stuff" ?
Oops ! - What happens when someone Drives Over It
with a Set of Chains-On ?
Underground Conduit - When they ran the Power Outputhttp://www.commserv.ucsb.edu/infrastructure/planning/underground.asp
Lines from the Solar Array around the side of the House
to the Electrical Service Enterance at the far corner of
the Garage. They used a Pink Colored Concert Slurry
as protection against Ground Diggers. {Oops} ~ RHF
-ps- Telamon be sure to Count* this as another one
of my 'Clueless Posts' -cause- IT IS ! ;-{
Plus Extra Credit for the : Cut, Copy and Paste Stuff.
* Rec.Radio.Shortwave Newsgroup Readers :
Please I Need Your Votes ! -and- I Want Your Votes !
In this Weeks Race for the RRS "Clueless Troll" Award.
I'm sure you can roll your own conductive cement, just like you can
build something that is patented. Selling your own conductive cement
would be another story.
As a side note, when you deal with sheets of conductive material, the
term sheet resistance (Doh!) comes into play. This is really common in
chip design where you roll your own resistors. However, getting back
to the cement, even though the copper wire is much lower resistance
than the carbon embedded cement, the cement makes up for it with
greater contact to the soil.
If you watch construction in expensive areas (i.e. where you don't
have land to waste), the engineers use what is generally known as
geotex. They place the dirt in layers with geotex in between layers in
such a manner where the slope can be steeper than is just soil was
used. Well, I had a hunch and sure enough they have conductive geotex
It gets a bit messy since some refer to heat conductivity rather than
electrical conductivity.
I most places with poor soil conductivity, they just use a
counterpoise. You can often see the radials from satellite
photographs. I have a few documented he