Lee K. Gleason wrote:
Just got around to trying to put a KWM-2A I bought a few years back on the
air. It's in roughish condition, but seems complete and usable. After
replacing a failed diode in the power supply, it recieves fine.
I've been trying to transmit, and there seems to be a problem. It tunes up
OK into my dummy load - the power meters in the dummy load indicate RF is
flowing while it's in the LOCK mode. When I try to transmit using the PTT
microphone that came with it, the relays clack when I key it, but...no RF
out. I'm wondering if this is a common problem - anyone heard of it?
Lee K. Gleason N5ZMR
Control-G Consultants
If it tunes up in lock, all the relays are functioning (arguably)
properly. You didn't say if the issue was transmission in CW, SSB, or
both modes? That might direct things just a bit more. If the PTT
function works OK, then I'd check the audio ckts up to the balanced
modulator and the anti-VOX ckt. In CW, one needs to have the a key
plugged in and in use. In SSB, its just the PTT ckt (and audio input)to
bring it up.
de K3HVG