spiderbeam antenna
There was a review in QST in the past year or so. Rosalie White was the
author, I believe.
Tom, N3IJ
"jawod" wrote in message
I tried to post on the antenna group but most of the conversation over
there seems to remain on a rather esoteric (and pedantic) plan.
So I'll try here (hope that's OK)
I had a QSO with a VE who uses a "SpiderBeam" which I had never heard of.
Apparently it is a folded modified Moxon design wherein the reflector
and director elements (made of wire) are folded back toward the center
of the antenna
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I am actually proud of that drawing (!)
It comes as a kit that you construct with fiberglass tubes ,etc.
It is reportedly used a lot in DXpeditions.
Now they have a "home version" that is a little more sturdy.
Has anyone used it and care to comment?
Much appreciated