Another Stealth Antenna Question
On Feb 13, 8:28 am, Swoozie Pellegrino wrote:
On Feb 11, 10:41 pm, Rick Frazier wrote:
Swoozie Pellegrino wrote:
Hi, all.
I'm about to become a General class licensee, and I'm
trying to work out a HF antenna plan for my new apartment.
I have a small balcony on the top (4th) floor, which is good,
but unfortunately there's a roof overhanging it and is
8' over the balcony floor and juts 4' out over the balcony edge,
so a tall vertical is out of the question.
What about a 'vertical' that is angled about 45 deg. down
from vertical? Will that be good for phone DXing on any
HF band?
Also, sadly, the balcony is all metal and so is the top of
the roof.
What about some kind of loop?
How about a vertical suspended from a hunk of plastic pipe ? Try
letting it hang down from the balcony, as far out as you can safely
suspend it. I've gotten away with using a 24 guage wire suspended with
a collapsable/extendible fishing pole with reasonable results, compared
to trying to use a short dipole inside a hotel room....
Though far from optimum, sometimes almost anything is better than nothing.
--Rick AH7H- Hide quoted text -
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I could fashion a 24 gauge 1/2-wavelength 20m dipole, which I know
about its footprint when strung horizontally at 1/2-wavelength above
the ground, but is it of any use stood on end (as in dangled from
my balcony and tapped in the center)?
When I was first licenced I lived in a 2 story apartment. For 20 -
10 meters I hung Clothes line pulleys at the end of both bedrooms
(abotu 25 feet) and small diameter rope tween the pulleys. I then
attached the GROUND side of the dipole and pulled it across letting
the Center dangle down. Inverted L ..... and I worked 100+
countries and WAS on that little piece of wire. I used small copper
wire, never ran more than 100W and it was near invisible even in
Scotty W7PSK.