North America - Radio Beacons - LF/MF Radio-Navigation Stations NDB Station List Compiled by William Hepburn - LWCA
In article
RHF wrote:
On Feb 13, 6:39*pm, Telamon
In article SIIsj.23954$C61.2816@edtnps89, m II wrote:
RHF wrote:
(wonderful links clipped)
I'd like to thank you for your service to the Short Wave Listening
Community. Your knowledge and helpful advice go a long way to make
this newsgroup what it is.
Keep up the positive attitude and good work.
It's appreciated by all, with the possible exception of the alcoholic
gallery of nay-sayers.
- You can count me among the nay-sayers.
- Alcohol might make his posts more readable.
- --
- Telamon
- Ventura, California
Telamon - Two Words : DRINK UP ! |reading| ~ RHF
Ok, I tried that and it didn't work. Maybe you need to drink up before
you post and we will see if that works.
Ventura, California