tv ant look alike? LP
On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:50:46 GMT, ml wrote:
pretty soon when current tv broadcast stops i was thinkng my
building master ant will either be left there or just removed
i thought about petitioning the coop board to let me have the space
under the guise of replacing the antenna with another that looked for
the most part just like/simular to the old tv ant but actually
subsituting a ham antenna
my first thought as far as a look alike was to a LP , just
wondering of all of the antennas out there anyone know which specific
brand might come closest to looking like a regular tv antenna?
Hi Myles,
Any Log periodic that looks like a TV antenna is going to cover
VHF/UHF - keep that in mind if you are hoping for HF.
However, nobody sees those antennas way up on the top of your building
except the traffic spotters in helicopters. If you want to sneak an
HF LPDA up there, then you will need a tad more height for masting,
and more than a tad more support/guying.
Richard Clark, KB7QHC