Noise// far radials for verticle?
In article ,
Richard Clark wrote:
On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:09:05 GMT, ml wrote:
i'd have to mount it on the elevator room (brick wall 10ft high) of my
Hi Myles,
Doc's advice covers the antenna. Did you solve your problems with the
elevator control noise? Tell us that story.
Richard Clark, KB7QHC
good to hear from ya
unfortunately not too lucky here , i went up to roof sluthing around
w/my analyzer and 817
i sure heard and saw 'noise' i know for sure the elevator room is
throwing out noise
can't yet absoluetely say it's the elevator thats causing my
specific noise sure seems likely thou
i still havn't figured out how many turns to make around my 2x2' X of
26ga wire insul, as i see i will really need a very directional
antenna to pinpoint
seems very easy now to say what seems obvious but doing the actual
finding scientifically is harder then i thought due mostly to my
poor skills
i also when taround the block trying to figure if a lamppost or
inground xformer was noisy but didn't seem soo
only thing i can say for sure is i have s9 noise from 1-15mhz and
maybe s6 from 15mhz to 30mhz and it's seemingly randomly intermittant
off a few min then on a few min or so
i am going to set up a portable 80verticle i have in the bedroom
w/the rig to see if maybe the noise is comming from an adjecent apt
i think i have enough test gear but sorta not sure what do to
track the noise down , never really did that before as far as
specific professional methods and procedures
yet i suspect it's something rather obvious throwing off the noise
i also wonder if it's possible that something in my sgc237 could have
failed such that it would make that noise? it gets prety def when
power is removed so not sure w/that attenuation i could tell and i
can't really sub another at up there i just don't have access to
the roof to easy
i sure do miss hf thou