A farwell to an old and fun friend .... Analog Cellular service !
On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 21:31:36 -0800, krackuka
goodbye analog cellular service old friend. How
I fondly remember (
how some people , not me of course ) snarfing
all those ESNs and
making all those anonymous 300 baud wireless
web connections.
leading edge stuff in it's day !
all those free phone calls ( some ) people made
..... but most of
all the hours upon hours of endless entertainment
eavesdropping on
phone sex , people checking their phone dating
service messages,
people making drug deals, gang bangers calling
from jail and sally
next door talking about stuff her parents would
have a heart attack if
they heard it ! yay aya ha hah h ah a phun
stuff ................
farewell and we'll remember you old friend !!!
krackula your bud !!!
There are always the baby nursery monitors
operating at the old Channel one -- 48-54-MHz. Ah,
the neighborhood secrets being broadcast in the
clear! :-)