48 volt power supply
clifto wrote:
Jimmie D wrote:
Last night I hooked up the 4 100 amp hour batteries to the inverter and it
shut down. Appararently it has some type of overcurrent protection. So I
hooked my big auto shop station type battery charger up to them and let them
charge over night. This AM when I connected the batteries to the inverter it
just hummed right along. It appears that as long as I dont let the batteries
get severly discharged I will be OK.
In other words, as long as you don't use the extra capacity you got those
batteries for.
I think you'd be better off building/buying a 48V battery charger.
The little charger in the UPS is usually a trickle-charger type,and as
you found out,doesn't like bigger loads much.
Say you hit the PTT on your favorite rig,and the voltage dips a bit
-perhaps below the UPS chargers "happy point" and it throws a fit while
you're on the air.