Hum on AM HF receiver
On Feb 21, 6:28*pm, "Richard Knoppow" wrote:
"Al Schapira" wrote in message
I think its MAGNETIC coupling from the power transformer to
the audio transformer.
Antonio Vernucci wrote:
Most of the strong AM signals received on my National HRO
are affected by hum.
I put a ceramic capacitor in parallel to each of the
80-type vacuum diodes with no noticeable improvement.
Does anyone remember which other cure was proposed to
solve the problem?
Tony, I0JX
* * If its an older HRO, and it has to be with a type 80
rectifier, the power supply is on a separate chassis with no
way that hum could be induced into the output transformer.
In any case, this would be quite low level hum. Much more
likely to be hum modulated onto the carriers due to poor
grounding, bypassing, etc. The HRO was always a well
designed and well made receiver and should not have this
Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles, CA, USA
While I am not familiar with this particular rcvr, if the pwr supply
is on a separate chassis and is connected to the main chassis with a
cable, would a bad ground connection in the cable or plugs (if any)
cause this? Maybe try running a temporary wire from chassis to chassis
to eliminate the possibility. 73 Mike KF6KXG