Grounding in Sand
"Roy Lewallen" wrote in message
Ed_G wrote:
Thanks, Dave. That is probably what I may do, I don't want to be
putting in overkill for my situation ( that would be rods every 8 feet
all around the house and connected by #0 copper! ). I'm more interested
in grounding for electrical safety than lightning protection. I'll
probably just put in two or three standard 8' rods and connect them with
large copper cable. My question was aimed more at wondering how
effective for this purpose a ground rod or three would be in sand......
And thanks to those who mentioned the rebar grid... but this house is
on pillars, with rebar only in the perimeter foundation.... and well
embedded in the center of the concrete, at that, so as to preclude any
For an electrical safety ground, you should follow the requirements of the
National Electrical Code (NEC).
Roy Lewallen, W7EL
That was my thinking for electrical safety and not for RF. Local conditions
vary and change over the years.
Ask the building inspector what is required for your area. In my area it is
two 8 foot ground rods spaced so far apart. I don't deal with the codes so
can not tell the distance, but it is probably around 6 feet apart and
connected by a continious conductor back to the breaker box. I think it is
atleast # 6 copper wire for the ground.
Whatever you do , connect all the grounds around the house together,
including the antenna and cable/phone lines if you have them.