Sonny Hood wrote:
After Google search no luck on any data on gain for this antenna.
Just installed with apex at 33 feet and has 27 degrees full length is
116.63 feet long and has a reduced length of 2.064%. Is there any
gain over a point incident antenna?
What sort of accuracy are you looking for? At what frequency?
length of 116.63 ft implies you're working 75 or 80m? So the feedpoint
is 10m (1/8th wavelength) off the ground?
You'll have some directivity over an isotrope, but not as much as a
dipole. You'll almost certainly have some loss due to the ground.
27 degrees is the droop? Endpoints about 6 feet off the ground?
Assuming "average soil" and copper wire.
-2.5dBi straight up is the peak gain
At 15 degrees above the horizon, about -6dBi off the end, about -7.5dBi