odd readings from watt meters
James Barrett wrote:
Hi, I have put up a dipole and I admit it is not a very good one, about
20 feet up, approx 60 ft. It works great as a receiving antenna and I'm
having fun listening, but so far no one can hear me. I have an Icom
IC-735, and using SSB, the watt meter on the radio shows full power as
I talk, but the watt meter on the tuner barely moves. In CW mode both
meters go all the way. Is this a typical symptom of a poor quality
antenna or does it indicate some other problem (besides my antenna
making skills)?
Any advice is appreciated.
By the symptoms you describe, I'd say that the reason for the difference
is simply that the meter on the tuner is much slower responding than the
meter on the rig.
Roy Lewallen, W7EL