++++++++++++++++++++ EUROPE; INDIA; TAIWAN
I understand that programming time that is already contracted for will
still have DRM, but does anyone know when we will start to see a
DECREASE in programming time with DRM, particularly in the 49 meter
band? It really racks up the band for at least +/- 20 kHz around the
assigned frequency. I wonder if people will pay for programming in the
upcoming transmission schedule cycle starting at the end of March
given the announcement at the HFCC (unattributed quotation, DXplorer,
via Ralph Brandi via Wolfgang Büschel, DXLD)
It wasn't an announcement; it was cocktail party chatter. It's not
anything official, just the (rough) consensus opinion of the people
who attend HFCC. I doubt that everyone who was there agrees, but the
fact that such an opinion got out indicates that it's probably pretty
widely held. Dan Ferguson can probably tell you how much power the
people who attend HFCC have to affect serious decisions involving
money and strategy. So in the short and medium term, I wouldn't expect
any decrease in the amount of hours dedicated to DRM. The Peter
Sengers of the world don't understand that DRM is dead yet (Ralph
Brandi, ibid.) Ralph himself has also been DXing DRM with some good TA
low-power catches (gh)
From Glenn Houser DX Listening Digest- #8-027,
to read the whole article, bottom of report, go to
"Regulatory capitalism is when companies invest in lawyers, lobbyists,
and politicians, instead of plant, people, and customer service."
- former FCC Chairman William Kennard (A real FCC Chairman,
unlike the current Corporate Spokesperson in the job!)