recommendations / help
On Mar 3, 8:20*am, "
Hoping some of you can help me out with some recommendations
I'm a fairly technical guy, but know little to nothing about radio
scanning/frequencies. To make a long story short, i'm a freelancer
photographer looking for an edge when it comes to breaking stories.
What I am looking for:
-handheld model
-earphone jack
-all emergency services (im based in Toronto, Canada. I need to cover
Toronto, but I also travel the US alot)
-maybe something that can be programmed from a computer
While i've found some good info on the net, does anyone know where I
can find a basic "primer" on understand radio frequencies?
For example, I was under the impression that a scanner can scan
"everything". I guess a scanner can't scan Cb-radio , FRS/GMRS as well
as emergency services?
Are there radio scanners that can scan more then others?
many thanks
I live in Calgary myself, there are scanners that can be programmed
from computers. This is a good group to find the basics, but also you
may want to find a book store that has info on radio communications.
Also the library can be a help. Some scanners cover CB and most will
cover FRS/GMRS, as well as police, fire, EMS, RCMP, OPP etc. Though
you may have to buy a digital scanner. Hand helds are very handy, I
have two myself. Also what comes to my mind now, is the the two
publications, Monitoing Times, and Popular Communcations.
Hope this helps.
Fred Burgess