WiFi Link from top of tower
Thanks for all the suggestions
Don't understand the '... second wireless adapter ...' suggestion? where's
it get power?
I've got an EUB-362EXT adapter. (has an SMA connect) Was the longest range
device I could find. Antenna will be connected directly to it, rather than
using the adapter dipole inserted inside a reflector
FWIW - The EUB adapter significantly out-performs a low cost linksys usb
adapter both using their own antenna's. Parked at same location linksys
found 2 WAP's the EUB found 8
"Jim Lux" wrote in message
W4NNG wrote:
Hello fellow HRO's
I've got a 50ft tower w/ rotor. Been thinking mounting a 2.4 Ghz WiFi
antenna on the rotor to see what it picks up in way of WAP / WLAN's
To get around cable loss problem was going to put a USB adapter at antenna
then run USB cable up tower. Have tested USB at ~ 5X it's spec'd range
suspect the 60 - 70' run will be way too long.
Anyone know of a way to 'remodulate' so to speak to 802.11 wirelessly link
the output from the antenna mounted adapter back to computer?
Thanks for any thoughts
Use ethernet up the tower and PoE (Power over Ethernet). There's lots of
off the shelf solutions here.
RF interference to/from the Ethernet (or USB for that matter) would be
an issue.
You can also do fiber optics (for ethernet, you can pick up
ethernet:fiber media converters surplus quite cheaply.. Then it's just
the fiber cable with connectors already attached, which can be found
fairly inexpensively, if you scrounge. Fiber is cheaper than coax, in
Or, as someone else suggested, use a second wireless adapter with a
directional antenna to bridge it to your shack. Then all you need up
the tower is DC power.
You might be able to do it with something like a single WRT54, too.