" W4NNG" wrote in message

Thanks for all the suggestions
Don't understand the '... second wireless adapter ...' suggestion?
it get power?
I've got an EUB-362EXT adapter. (has an SMA connect) Was the longest
device I could find. Antenna will be connected directly to it, rather
using the adapter dipole inserted inside a reflector
FWIW - The EUB adapter significantly out-performs a low cost linksys usb
adapter both using their own antenna's. Parked at same location linksys
found 2 WAP's the EUB found 8
Hi Bob
It would seem that Frank's (KN6WH) suggestion about using a Bridge or
Router, or Switch avoids alot of the USB limitations. Have you tried using
a CAT 5 device located at the top of the tower?
I thought the CAT 5 devices were far better than USB for remote WiFi.
But, if you have data / experience that shows otherwise, I'd like to learn
more about why the USB is chosen.
Jerry KD6JDJ