Tube rig
Vinnie S. wrote:
Vinnie S.
Email me direct Vinnie as I have an idea of where we can hook up.
The Swan has the original mic attached. Even has what appears to be
brackets where the gent used it as a mobile. The Viking doesn't have the
mic or power cord but you could figure those out. Its a restoration
thing with these but I'm fairly sure they work.
I don't give a **** about mic or power cords, or even tubes. I was more
concerned about knobs and things like that.
I talked to me co-worker who lives in Edison, NJ. He said he would be a relay,
and pick up from you, and I pick up from him. We can arrange a meeting place
like Staten Island Hospital area right near the Verrazano, or somewhere like
that. How far are you from the Verrazano?
Vinnie S.
Email me direct Vinnie as there are some people coming and going between
here and there in the next couple of days.
btw, 50 miles from the Verranzon.