RHF wrote:
Note that is not a "radio is dead" posting. I welcome the ability to receive
audio programs using other delivery methods than radios, but have no
plans or desire to stop using my radios. I consider it MORE,
not less.
The "All Mode" AM/FM/DS/WF Radio - Is It the Next Step
in the Evolution of the Radio {Sound Box} ?
+ AM Radio
+ AM & FM Radio
+ AM & FM-Stereo Radio
+ IBOC Analog and Digital AM-Stereo & FM Multi-Channel Radio
+ WiFi Internet and IBOC Analog and Digital AM-Stereo
& FM Multi-Channel Radio
I don't realy know. IBOC and satellite radio are U.S. specific.
WiFi and Internet radio is world wide (but not anywhere near 100%
coverage). Some places would surprise you, for example, Estonia
has 100% WiFi coverage.
In industrialized nations, LW,AM and shortwave broadcasting are on
their way out because of increasing levels of RF noise.
Internet delivery of realtime audio programs (aka Internet Radio) is
very attractive to producers because it does not require big investment
in equipment, licenses, and is easily scaleable.
In the past if you wanted to reach a large audience with little
money, you had to modify a ham radio and become a pirate. Now
you can publish you programs with very little investment,
100% legally with YouTube, Miro and many other websites.
Real time delivery is more expensive, but certainly a lot cheaper
than obtaining a broadcast license, or buying time from a licensed
SWBC station.
Once you leave your local time zone, the attraction of real time
delivery lessens. How many people are going to get up at 3am to
listen to a talk show? Sporting event? "Live" concert?
Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel
IL Voice: (07)-7424-1667 U.S. Voice: 1-215-821-1838
Visit my 'blog at http://geoffstechno.livejournal.com/