In article
" wrote:
CG Rescue 6033 in SAR off Canaveral
It is Sunday, 8:36am EDT (1236z).
"Coast Guard Rescue Helo 6033" has been in the area for about 20
minutes, hailing "Sailing Vessel Selma" on 156.8. CG Rescue 6033 is an
MH-60J helo based at CG Air Station Clearwater, Florida.
In addition, "CG Sector Jacksonville" has been making an
announcement on the freq about that vessel being in distress about 30
miles east of Cape Canaveral.
"CG Rescue 6033" now is in comms with the vessel, and is asking the
normal questions:
"Does everyone aboard have a lifevest?"
"Is anyone aboard in need of medical attention?"
The helo pilot tells the vessel: "We have good comms with you now;
we are faily close; now, all we have to do is find you."
"CG Vessel 47301" is now up on the freq trying to contact "CG
Rescue 6033"
"CG Sector Jacksonville now has comms with the helo on 157.15 and
tells him that if he can give the vessel position to CG Vessel 47301,
he can RTB.
"CG Vessel 47301," on 157.15 says that they will proceed to the
ship's position at 28-09 North, 079-33 West. They say they will
inform the helo when they are at that position, so the helo can then
RTB. They also have comms regarding whether a waiver will be necessary
since they will be going more than 12-miles out.
The helo says they will remain on-scene for as long as possible
before they have to RTB for fuel.
AL STERN Satellite Beach FL
I wonder if the Poster has ever heard of the Secrecy Clause in the
Communications ACT of 1934? I hope he doesn't posses an FCC issued
License, because if he does, and is found in Violation of that Act,
it can cost him $10KUS per individual Violation and 5 years in the
Federal GrayBar Hotel.