USB Multimeter for Temp ??
Henry Kolesnik wrote:
I have a Fluke 87 and a Fluke 80T-150 temperature probe that outputs 1
mV/deg F....but I'm getting lazy...
I'd like to find a reasonably priced but accurate and durable multimeter
with a USB interface and software so I can log temp with some kind of
time stamp using my Fluke temp probe. If someone experience with any
I'd like to know what's available new and used. I'm attempting to
evaluate some insulation and thermal mass for a passive solar home design.
the Fluke 289 series has a nice trending graph in it and if you want to link
it to the PC, it has an IR port which many laptops have..including desktops.
I own a 289, I like it. It can do up to 200 hours of recording
and data can be read back in a chart etc..