On Mar 18, 1:02*pm, "Harold E. Johnson" wrote:
Oak Hills Research DD-1 Digital dial. 2 each * * $25 each
Oak hills WM-2, QRP Wattmeter * * $25
KA7EXM microWattmeter * *$75
Astron RS-12A 13 Volt, 12 Amp supply * *$50
Acopian LD15-100 PSU * *$20
Lambda LP411, Metered 0-20 Volt/1.2 Amp supply * *$40
Hi-Q PSU Model PS-110A +/- 24 Volt, +5 and +15 Volt supply * *$20
ICOM-703, 160-10 Meter QRP transceiver (10 Watt) Like New * *$250
LDG AT-100 pro Memory antenna tuner. IS new, in original box * *$150
Radio Shack 600 Ohm Dynamic Microphone, Model 33-3004 with case. * *$25
Radio Shack PSU 22-504. 13 Volt/3 Amp supply.. * *$20
Pictures on request., All tested and guartanteed, prices plus shipping. Put
your call sign in the subject line so I don't discard it as spam.
Should have put my email in the first message. Tim Mize N7XAU