This is an interesting antenna. It is a mobile stealth magnetic loop
I watched the video and checked out the details. The antenna is
basically a loop with the roof of the car (the bottom of the luggage
rack) as the ground side of the loop, the antenna goes up, folds over
the top and back down to the other side of the roof where it feeds
thru a high voltage vacuum variable capacitor back to ground.
| |
|_ |
| |( coax conx) = Capacitor
| -|_____________|
^ (roof)
I am not as good an artist as some of you, but here is my graphic
The coax feeds with a gamma? and is tuned by a stepper motor tuning
the vacuum variable cap. Depending on which of the three models, it
operates from 1.5-10 MHz, 2.7-15.5 MHz, or 4.5-22 MHz at up to 150
The technical notes have more interesting details:
It seems to me a homebrew version could be made for base use such as
for those in restricted homes. Placed on the peak of the house, the
ground side could be a wire across the top of the peak and the loop
lift up during use so it would not attract too much attention to the
I wonder what the size and cost of the Vacuum variable is to make a
similar antenna??
73 for now
Buck, N4PGW
"Small - broadband - efficient: pick any two."