On Mar 20, 8:02*pm, Telamon
In article
*RHF wrote:
- - Scooter,
- -
- - Did you know by mentioning "Jim Cramer" and Cramer
- - three times you generated these Google Sponsored Links :
* * * * * Un-Snip * * * * *
Subject: Jim Cramer Why Radio is dead.
Newsgroups : alt.radio.broadcasting, rec.radio.shortwave,
alt.commercial-hit-radio, alt.radio, alt.radio.broadcasting.open
- So you are more than a Troll and actually a curse on the news group.
- --
- Telamon -chief-resident-in-charge-of- Alt.Idiots etc...
- Ventura, California
Hello Telamon - Here You Go Again Poluting Another
Rec.Radio Shortwave Newsgroup Thread with Your
Personal Attacks on Me "RHF" :
Teli - Please Learn To Be A Positive Contributor Here and Not
Just Another "Trill" In-Search-Of a "Troll" To Get Some Attention.
Telamon - It is Better to Light a Candle
- Then to Curse the Darkness ~ RHF
To Paraphase :
Telamon - It is Better to Post something Positive Yourself
- Then to Curse another Poster ~ RHF