Looking for a vertical amateur band antenna
On Sat, 15 Mar 2008 15:52:32 -0400, Billy Burpelson
I am getting old but I still want to watch the ham bands, I have a
transceiver for the ham bands and would like to buy a vertical
antenna both for transmitting and receiving.
Any body got any ideas ?
Well, here's an idea...
...if you want to transmit, get a ham license first.
Hello Billy ! I was a ham over 40 years ago but I let my license
lapse because was engaged in other projects, But now I am
over 73 years old and would like to just listen to the ham bands,
I can receive and transmit in CW and was trained in the Army as
a high speed radio operator and later as a communications
specialist. But I do have a Transceiver that I want to keep as
a backup in case of emergency. My call signs were K0RZD in
the U.S. and DL4KZ in Germany.
Does that answer your question ?