Amp Purchase?
I was wondering if I could get a little help on an amp purchase or other
modifications that would help in my tranmit and receive distance. I'll
start off by mentioning that I live in the country with little to no
I have a barefoot Galaxy DX55V, that I've brought into the house and hooked
up to a Pyramid PS-14KX power supply with a Solarcon A99 mounted at
approximately 25', running Tramflex RG-8/x coax at a length of 50', and an
Astatic 636L mic.
It appears that with my current setup, I can hear traffic approximately
12-15 miles away with static - but they cannot hear me. I was looking for
someway to clear that up and extend my range so that I could be heard and
since there are geography obstructions in between (fairly good size hills),
I first started looking at an amp. I first thought of an RMI KL-300, but
was really unsure as to what choices were available due to what the 14KX
would drive.
It has also been mentioned that I should raise the antenna to 35', which I'm
all for - I just don't have anything available to attach it to at the time.
Are there any suggestions? Should I forego any amp purchase and focus on
raising my antenna? If I should think of buying an amp, is the RMI KL
series amps worth considering or should I steer towards a Fat Boy, Palomar,
ALA, etc...
Thanks a lot for any assistance that you can give.
Happy Easter!