- Yes the efficiency on 80m may be too low, because of small size.
- Adding center extenders could help but then 75m hamsticks are out of 80m
- By using 40m hamsticks and maybe center loading coil and extenders tuning
to 80m possible?
- Then also operating on 40m without extenders OK
- 80 operation only needed for domestic qsos, no DX
- On 30m and 20m hamstick dipole would work OK
Any comments on these?
73 Jouko OH5RM
Ok, the antenna is portable. Toss a wire over a couple of tree limbs
and either use full-sized 80 meter dipole, or load it with loading
coils. If you load the antenna with coils located at the end point of
40 meters, you may find yourself with a dual band antenna -- 40/80.
Since you are operating primarily local 80 meter operation, any height
above ground up to about 20 feet will result in NVIS, pretty good
signal there.
You could also try a tree-limb somewhat vertical. Drop a short ground
rod into the ground, tap shield to that and toss other end of 65 foot
wire (plus or minus) over a tree limb. It will operate, but not
perfect. However, it should work as well or better than the
Just another thot
73 for now
Buck, N4PGW
"Small - broadband - efficient: pick any two."