"jim" wrote in message
Hey Jim. Was thinking what ever became of you. You haven't missed much
here. Keep the killfile handy as there are a bunch of nuts that have
settled here. 73, Jim on Long Island.
Hello Jim,
Been awhile since I was down your way. The Worlds' Fair, to be precise when
I was staying with a cousin on Eaton Neck Point (not sure of the spelling
and it has been 44 years or so LOL). Tried - was it K2US - the ham shack in
the Coke pavillion. A killer watt on 20 meters netted me a guy on Long
Island. Sheesh

) I did a lot better running 60-70 watts on cw from the
home shack LOL. Heck, 65 watts on AM used to get me into Italy just fine.
But Long Island running a KW? Give me a break. Why that guy responded I
never did understand.
I killfiled all the rec.radio.amateur as they had gotten so bad as of a year
or more ago. Idiots came flaming into rec.radio.cb and got what they asked
for, I guess, although a number of them are still rattling on around here.
73 from Rochester, NY