Jeezus Cripes! Would someone please throw a net over these Canadian
Clowns before they do anymore destruction!
The media can barely keep up with the incompetency of the keystone
kops of Kanaduh! Incidents are happening by the hour.
What's next? The Canuckastan navy accidentally lauching a nuclear
strike on Greenland, Iceland or Maine?
Please do the world a favor and retreat back into irrelevancy.
Coast Guard ramming the
Farley Mowat
The Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker CCGS Des Groseilliers twice rammed
the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ship Farley Mowat today.
The Coast Guard had ordered the Farley Mowat to not approach the area
where seals are being slaughtered. When the Farley Mowat did not
comply, the Coast Guard rammed the vessel near the port aft stern
area. After the Farley Mowat stopped in the ice, the Coast Guard
rammed the ship a second time in the same area of the ship causing
damage to the plates in that area.
The Coast Guard has demonstrated extreme recklessness with this move.
The crew of the Farley Mowat were engaged in documenting the slaughter
of seals. They were not interfering with the hunt.
"I'm beginning to wonder if anyone on the bridge of the Groseilliers
has a license to command a ship," said Captain Alex Cornelissen. "The
incompetence of the Coast Guard has already cost the lives of four
sealers this week-end and now they are ramming ships in dangerous ice
conditions. This is unbelievable. It's like the Coast Guard has
declared war on seal defenders and the sealers are collateral damage."
The Farley Mowat will remain in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and will
continue to document the atrocities on the ice. Already the crew have
seen enough evidence to understand that the Canadian government's
pretense that the slaughter is humane has no basis in reality - in
other words it's a state sponsored lie.
"It appears that Canada is prepared to use violence to cover-up the
truth of this slaughter," said Captain Paul Watson. "Our duty is to
resist their violence and continue to document the truth."