mpd wrote:
With the exception of a few rare shows or
personalities most radio stations sound the same. And forgive but where's
the wow factor with HD radio? This is radio's big release! their big hit and
future! You can't walk into Best Buy and hear a dozen or so great sounding
Um no offense but...
1) not all stations sound the same. some have actual shows that will
play music that isn't exactly innovative but the shows can be
good...there's some hd stations now with radio shows that stream
online...having wifi in cars might be the future with this but it can
take awhile. Boston for example is presumed to be a very wired city
with all the colleges and everything but yet four years after planning
it they still don't..there's a chance that after the analog ota tv
channels sunset that more spectrum will allow this maybe...
You can buy mobile broadband from Verizon or Sprint.
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