On Apr 5, 9:31 am, "vangellis" wrote:
"RHF" wrote in message
* * * * * * Five Star Snip * * * * *
- Gentlemen,
- Please!!!!!
- Enough of this bickering.
- With respect RHF,
- would you say I would benefit from buying this antenna
- and using it instead of my 30 foot end fed longwire
- (I am limited for space)
- regards Vangellis
- UK
Vangellis - The Short Answer is : "No". ~ RHF
The - L - o - n - g - Answer is :
Watson-Miller Shortwave Listener (SWL) Receiving Antenna ?
-versus- 30 Foot End-Fed Long-Wire Antenna ?
Watson-Miller Shortwave Listener (SW) Receiving Antenna
(WMSWA) has a Listed Price of £ 69.95 GBP which is
~ $ 139.50 USD ~ EURO 88.70 EUR
You now state that you already have a : 30 Foot End-Fed
Long-Wire (30 Ft. EFLW) Antenna in use.
IMHO - That is a better beginning then to try and use a
smaller and shorter 6 Foot Long bent Antenna made-up
of 12 Foot of Metal.
Your Present 30 Foot End-Fed Long-Wire Antenna has
a 5-to-1 Advantage in Size over the WMSW Antenna.
Meaning the 30 Ft. EFLW Antenna should be better.
Your Present 30 Foot End-Fed Long-Wire Antenna has a
2.5-to-1 Advantage in Length over the WMSW Antenna.
Meaning the 30 Ft. EFLW Antenna should be better.
The 'crude' calculation for Signal Capture Area
* 30 Foot End-Fed Long-Wire Antenna
30' x 12" x 1" = 360 Square Inches
* WMSW Antenna
2m x 39.37" x 3" = 236 Square Inches
Which is 1.5-to-1 Advantage in Signal Capture Area
Meaning the 30 Ft. EFLW Antenna should be better.
KEEP - The 30 Foot End-Fed Long-Wire Antenna.
Q # 1 - Vangellis are you using a good earthen 8-Foot
Copper Ground Rod with the 30 Foot End-Fed Long-Wire
Antenna and for your Radios and Equipment in your Home ?
* You Should Be.
+ Improve your Antenna and Radio Shack with a Ground
for Less Noise and Better Safety.
Q # 2 - Vangellis are you using a Coax Cable feed-in-line
with the 30 Foot End-Fed Long-Wire Antenna ?
* You Should Be.
+ Improve your Antenna with a Coax Cable feed-in-line
for Less Noise and a Better Signal.
Q # 3 - Vangellis are you using a Matching Transformer
(Balun) -aka- Magnetic Longwire Balun "MLB" with your
30 Foot End-Fed Long-Wire Antenna ?
* You Should Be.
+ Improve your Antenna with a Matching Transformer
for Less Noise and a Better Signal.
Q # 3 - Vangellis is your 30 Foot End-Fed Long-Wire
Antenna 'configured' in the Shape of an Inverted "L"
Antenna ?
* It Should Be.
+ Make Qs 1, 2 and 3 a lot easier To-Do and All Three
'together' work a lot better {Synergy} for Less Noise
and a Better Signal.
Picture of an Inverted "L" Antenna Set-Up and Rigging
Universal Magnetic Balun [UMB 130] - Price £ 24.95 GBP
About the "Universal Magnetic Balun" (UMB)
The Right-Way {and Wrong-Way} to Install a LongWire Antenna.
Low Noise Longwire Antenna using the UMB -by- Wellbrook.
READ - Question is 'it' a Longwire {Random Wire} Antenna
-or- Inverted "L" Antenna ?
READ - Flipping the Inverted "L" Antenna 'Back-to-Front'
= Better Performance
READ - End Fed Shortwave Listening (SWL)
Antenna Reccomendations ?
vangellis - hope this helps - iane ~ RHF {pomkia}