I would like you to take a look at my Carolina Cyclone line of HF Mobile
antennas! You will find them to be reliable, esthetically pleasing, and do
great job on all HF bands + 6 Meters.
While you are spending "extra" money on materials such as Teflon, I use
tough, UV resistant Nylon (some have argued with me about this, but I have
many antennas after 6 years that show no ill effects or wear). Just as
and costs less! Ever wonder why *some* antennas are so expensive? For one
thing, some of the materials used to make loading coils come off the lathe
in great big strings. The lathe has to be stopped periodically to clean up
the "wrap-around", and clean up the huge mess it creates. It also
contributes to
the $300-$500 price charged for many of the screwdrivers out there.
A few of the antennas are those "skinny" 1 1/2" dia coils based on the DK3
and #16 wire. also wound on PVC forms. Not really all that good for antenna
Try running......say..... 500 watts on one and watch it MELT. Not even good
as a slinky toy! The Carolina Cyclone I is warranted for 900 watts SSB. It
is a full
2" dia, uses #14 wire wound at 8 TPI, and costs only $240--compare to those
$400 units. The Carolina Cyclone II is 3" dia, still with #14 wire and
wound at
8 TPI. Run this one at 1500 watts all day long! And both antennas have a
pleasing profile for the picky spouse. Again, compare prices of those
antennas out there. Cyclone II costs only $350! And that includes shipping
to the lower 48 states. Alaska or Hawaii are extra.
Please visit my website at
www.qsl.net/k4kwh .
if you are not satisfied, I will replace or repair your antenna free of
charge--no questions! See my review on Eham.