Burr - Take a look at this Shortwave (HF) Antenna.
All-Band Sloping Inverted "L" Antenna -by- Rolf Brevig [LA1IC]
Put that 4:1 balun, a couple of insulators
and some extra wire to good use!
-source- Ham Universe -
* The Inverted "L" Antenna : How It Works
* "Magic" Wire Lengths
* Non-Metric {Feet} and Metric {Metres} Calculations
* Tuning Procedure for the Inverted Sloping "L" Antenna
for Amateur Radio Operators.
NOTE - This Sloping Inverted "L" Antenna design uses a
a Ground Mounted Matching Transformer and Ground Rod
at the Feed-Point with a Coax Cable feed-in-line.
Implementing the Low Noise Design Concepts that were
popularized -by- John Doty
READ - SWL Longwire + Low Noise Antenna Connection
+ Grounding Is Key To Good Reception
Three Messages to Read -by- John Doty
Follow the Links/URLs provided in the Message
? Why ? Use the Sloping Inverted "L" Antenna : It only
requires One above ground level Elevated Support Point.
MOD - For the Shortwave Radio Listener (SWL) making one of
these simple Wire Antennas the only "Modification" would be
to use a 9:1 Matching Transformer {Balun, MLB} for Receive
'Only' : Instead of the Amateur Ham 4:1 Balun cited for used
with a Transmitter.
SIZING - The All-Band Sloping Inverted "L" Antenna for the
Shortwave Radio Listener (SWL)
Basic it is simply a "Random" Wire Length to cover the
'available' Space that you have in your Yard : Going from
the ground* to the Apex {High-Point} of the Antenna and
back to the gorund*.
* Note - A Fence-Top may be used at one or both Ends
instead of the ground for Safety or convenience.
For Those Who - Have-to-Have "Numbers" :
* SHORTY - Small Size Lot - Backyard :
Short-Back-Leg = 17.1 Feet for 22m
Long-Front-Leg = 24.5 Feet for 31m
Total Length ~ 41.6 Feet
Apex ~ 15 Feet**
Ground Foot-Print ~ 30 Feet Tip-to-Tip
* AVERAGE - Medium Size Lot - Backyard :
Short-Back-Leg = 24.5 Feet for 31m
Long-Front-Leg = 38.5 Feet for 49m
Total Length ~ 63.0 Feet
Apex ~ 22 Feet**
Ground Foot-Print ~ 46 Feet Tip-to-Tip
* BIGGIE - Large Size Lot - Backyard :
Short-Back-Leg = 38.5 Feet for 49m
Long-Front-Leg = 59.2 Feet for 75m
Total Length ~ 97.7 Feet
Apex ~ 34 Feet**
Ground Foot-Print ~ 71 Feet Tip-to-Tip
** Note - If you are using a Fence-Top or other Supports :
Instead of the surface of the ground : Then add their Average
Height to the Apex to get the 'corrected' Height of the Apex.
Doing-the-Angles of the Sloping Inverted "L" Antenna :
The Angle of the Apex should be around 90 Degrees; with
the Starting Angle of the Short-Back-Leg at Ground to the
Apex about 60 Degrees; and the Ending Angle at Ground
of the Long-Front-Leg from the Apex to Ground about 30
FWIW - I call this Sloping Inverted "L" Antenna a
Lazy Inverted "L" Antenna because the "L" is too
'Lazy' to Stand Up-Side-Down {Inverted}

) ~ RHF
Be it Sloping or Lazy - It's sort of an 'L' - iane RHF {pomkia}