Antenna analyzer schematic
Many years ago (~30) I built a simple antenna analyzer consisting of a
passive network of resistors, capacitors and diodes. This was placed
in-line between the TX and the antenna.
The network had 5 DC voltage monitoring points, selected by a 5-way
Having measured the 5 voltages, you then had to plot on graph paper a
set of circles and lines that were proportional to the voltages -- as I
recall, 3 circles and 2 lines. The point of intersection of the 3
circles was a measure of the R +/- jX components of the antenna
I would like to re-create the analyzer, but I can't find the schematic
anywhere. I think I first saw it in a UK ham radio magazine, probably
some time in the 1970s.
Does anyone here remember it and/or can tell me where I can find it?
Ian, G3NRW