Indoor Antenna vs Web Stream
In article S2wRj.3006$XI1.2613@edtnps91, m II wrote:
Telamon wrote:
You, Dave and Mikey should get a room together. Mike can bring the beer,
David can bring whatever he smokes in his pipe these days and you can
just bring your line of addled BS along. It should be a rip-roaring time.
Not to offend, but this is the LAMEST stuff I've ever seen. If I were in
your shoes, I'd consider a) Abandoning this newly chosen path. b)
Getting the services of a ghost writer.
Apparently you have not read your own posts.
Me? I'm leaning towards path abandonment. Do the words ineffectual,
futile and non-productive hold any meaning for you?
No, you are just here because you have driven off everyone else around
you and this is last means of human contact.
Whatever the choice, your actions will continue to make you look like a
juvenile aggressor. I ask, for your own self respect, to stop this petty
name calling and derision. It's also completely out of character for
the Telamon that USED to post here. He was an adult.
I have had it with people like you, RHF and David that post continuous
streams of crap here.
Ventura, California