Telamon and dxAce will be along shortly to tell us why dead ducks are a
GOOD thing for the US Economy and that dead ducks in the name of Liberty
are no vice.
They may even try to convince you that these were TERRORIST Ducks which
are better off dead than to be allowed airspace access to the US.
Personally, I think they were innocent birds, trying to stay alive in a
hostile environment.
This was originally heard on CBC radio, Internet details follow:
Company and government officials estimate there are 500 birds trapped in
the toxic pond in a disaster that has never before been witnessed in the
northern Alberta oilsands region.
FORT MCMURRAY, Alta. - Hundreds of migrating ducks are dead or dying
after landing on a tailings pond owned by Syncrude Canada Ltd. and ice
surrounding the small lake full of toxic sludge is hampering rescue efforts.
The migratory birds landed Monday in the toxic waste pond at the Aurora
North Site mine north of Fort McMurray, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.
reported Tuesday. The pond is owned by Syncrude, officials said.
Environment officials said the birds are "clearly heavily oiled" and are
not able to fly. Many are dying.
**Syncrude** partners include Imperial Oil Ltd. , Petro-Canada ,
ConocoPhillips , Nexen Inc. , Nippon Oil Corp. 5001.T unit Mocal
Energy Ltd. and Murphy Oil Corp.