Thanks for the reply Dave. Well my intended purpose is for DX, although
Ragchew is definitely a bonus. I have a 80M (inverted V) about 10 foot off
the ground that I am currently using for receive only and am getting great
receive results from VK6,5,4 and 3, all coming in when the band is open here
with 40 over 9 signal reports, not bad for such a noisy band. So if I can
get that up to 50 feet that should take care of 80 for the time being I
guess. I guess my questions were intended to get some discussion going for
people to offer up suggestions (for and against) for my intended band usage.
I have heard that many use the G5RV with a tuner with good results, although
there may be better bang for the buck with other wire type antennas, or
conversely, am I better running a vertical? You see my quandary?
Are there any better brands of antenna for 10-15-20M in a tri-band that I
should be looking for? Or rather the question should be, one's I should
steer clear of?
Thanks again for the advice, that's what the hobby is all about, sharing the
Sydney, Australia
"KC1DI" wrote in message
On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 22:25:42 +1100, "Troy - VK2HXY"
Hi there ladies and gents. I have a question that has most likely come
here before, and I do apologise if this is visiting old ground.
I am a novice limited license holder in Australia and pretty soon I will
have access to the 10-15 and 80M bands. I would like to know what you
consider as being the best all round antenna for my purpose? I have
of room to mount an 80M dipole antenna, although height is a problem. I
go up no more than about 50 feet.
I also have a mast and rotator, so a triband yagi is also on the cards.
Just looking for decent ideas here guy's. I know the question is fairly
open ended, but I would like to consider all my options from those who
all the best knowledge of what works and what doesn't. To wire or not to
wire? To beam or not to beam? To G5RV??????
I am running a TS-850, an MFJ 989C Tuner running 100W out of the box.
Thanks very much for your time and I really appreciate your response to
Warmest regards
73 de VK2HXY
Hi Troy,
As you said in your post you will get all kinds of answers. And a lot
will depend upon factors that you do not mention.. I.E. what's your
purpose, DX, RagChew Local or distance ??
The G5RV does a decent job on 80m but is not the best choice for 10
and 15m.. on those too bands the beam-- yagi or quad would be best if
you can get the up at least 25 feet. Dipole is a good choice on
80meters even thought 50 feet is not really high on that band. if you
looking for DX on 80 I would put in a vertical with good ground
system as well.
Just some suggestions,
73 Dave kc1di