Don't buy Canadian Oil Sands oil!
In article fKcSj.3348$PM5.2332@edtnps92, m II wrote:
Loosesolder50 wrote:
The extraction and refining of Oil/Tar Sands costs 7 times more that
refining standard crude oil. Oil/Tar Sands from Alberta are not nore
will they ever be a financially viable method of producing fuel. The
only reason they are extracting it now is that it's subsidized by the
Govt to the tune of 50%. When that goes away the whole operation will
shut down.
It's not just the subsidies. The companies now use mainly natural gas to
get the heat to extract the oil. They buy it from themselves, cheaply,
then deduct the RETAIL value of the gas as the cost of operations. This
alone gets them more in profit than the minuscule royalties paid to the
They are getting a free ride AND have about the same compulsion to run
cleanly as a Chinese operation. Scum.
Post this crap somewhere else Mikey.
Ventura, California