On May 1, 9:58 pm, mpm wrote:
On May 1, 10:48�pm, mpm wrote:
I second the thought about electrical safety around kids and water.
Oops, another thought just came to me.
If you're moving the camera / transmitter, it might have a real
chicken-s^it timebase (crystal?) or whatever and could be sensitive to
motion and going slightly off frequency with every bump (step taken).
Maybe you can eliminate this possibiliity by walking very softly.
Like that Karate guy on TV used to do on the onion paper...
It is almost certainly multipath: The frequency, mobility, and
environment are wrong for what you're trying to do. If you can lower
the frequency - the lower, the better - then this will help. For
example, 72 MHz. You an make it legal by applying for an
experimenter's permit (if in the USA, see FCC form 442).
I'm not sure if you can find any commercial transmitters below 900
MHz, so you may need to DIY.
There may be wireless products for DVB-H, DVB-T which would
theoretically be an improvement.
As one poster mentioned, your best bet may be a cable.
Frank Raffaeli