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Old November 10th 03, 03:27 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Dealing with off topic

Legitimate users of this newsgroup surely have noticed the
proliferation of off topic postings (Racist, etc.). I looked at
headers and most are crossposted to 5+ newsgroups. This stuff runs
rampant in r.r.a.misc. If some of us posted replies (kept the thread
going real good) but edited the posting to ONLY post to r.r.a.misc
then later followups (made by people who have no idea where their
replies are crossposted to) will only go to that newsgroup, and they
might go away from here.
Of course the real solution is for NO ONE to post a reply in this
antenna newsgroup to an off topic posting, but the temptation is
apparently too much for some.
I've started it today. My reply posting can be seen only in
Does this make any sense? BTW - my hotmail account is real but
worthless, so I don't care what flame or spam I get to it.
Rick K2XT