Mike and Joe,
Thanks a lot. I have Japanese business friends who keep flying in from
there all the time, and I'll probably request one to pick up either
the 2010 or 7600GR. Having spent my childhood with Grundig and
Phillips radios (valve radios in those years!), it seems unfortunate
that neither figure as desirable radio manufacturers anymore.
Thanks again,
On May 7, 7:09 am, Joe Analssandrini wrote:
Dear Sir,
Mike's list on the previous reply to you is right on target. I would
only add that the best value for money, in my opinion, is the Sony ICF-
SW7600GR. The best performer of those listed is the Eton E1, but note
that its construction quality is somewhat wanting; though most people
appear to be satisfied with their sets, a significant minority has had
interminable problems, some of which were unable to be fixed. Thus,
the longevity of this radio is in doubt.
No such build-quality problems are present in the Sony ICF-SW7600GR.
For a portable, it is built like a tank and, with proper care, will
last for many, many years. (Just don't drop it onto a concrete slab,
for example! No radio would survive something like that!) If you were
also able to buy a Sony AN-LP1 Active Antenna (currently only
available from a VERY reputable eBay dealer called "BuyFromJapan"),
you would have an almost "perfect" shortwave setup.
Best of luck,
On May 6, 11:23 am, D Ramapriya wrote:
Hi all,
I want to buy a good portable digital short-wave radio receiver. Can
anyone suggest what I need to buy? I live in Dubai, and although I've
not seen a digital radio receiver in any shop here yet, I might give
it a try or buy one online if possible. I know of only the Sony 7600D
but I think that's about 25 years too old now.
Any/all suggestions welcome 
Thanks in advance,