Field day station isolation
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I'm trying to come up with some ideas for multi-op field day station
isolation. Main problem will be front end desens between Voice and CW
portion of the same band. Main concern is on 20M
I'm thinking simple stub filters. Though they are wide, I would think
that there would be a few DB of isolation 100Khz away. Perhaps several in
parallel to narrow it up a bit.
Would a simple LC resonant circuit with perhaps 20-30Khz of BW work?
Any thing else I should be considering?
Thanks You!
I'd love to be able to find designs for single-band filters for FD use
-- this year we'll have 2 or 3 IC-7000 stations, at least one yagi, a
vertical, and an nvis.
Something like a low-pass for 80, high pass for 10, and bandpass for
40, 20, and 15, that can take 100W, including 100W for at least a few
seconds on the wrong band... That kind of thing happens after you've
been up for too many hours!
....signing 3 bravo sierra juliet victor