still nothing from Dayton
I faxed my request on April 10 for two tailgate spaces
and four tickets. ($220). Sent e-mails and made calls.
Hamvention was supposed to have mailed tailgate space
passes and tailgate tickets on Monday, May 5th, via
USPS Priority mail.
No joy in Maryland as of today, May 8th.
As a side note, I received a (non-hamfest related)
package sent from Nevada on Tuesday, May 6th via USPS
Priority mail. So, I don't think it's a USPS problem.
Query: Are the Hamvention volunteers a bunch of
incompetents? Maybe Hamvention should go back to
hiring a contractor? All these problems started ~two
years ago when Hamvention decided to go all-volunteer.
I hope someone who knows how to write submits articles
to all the major magazines (QST, CQ, WorldRadio, etc.)
describing the "Hamvention Advanced Ticket Sales
r392 wrote:
anybody get anything