I found Kenwood filters for my old TS-440S at International Radio 13620 Tyee
Road Umpqua OR for a reasonable price. I tried the more conventional sources
such PartsStore.com but even though they listed the filters they were
The old radios from the late 80s through the mid-90s are hard to get parts
for sometimes.
The only draw back to ones from International were they were not direct
replacement, they were mounted pn a circuit board mounted to my IF board
with some double sticky foam tape. The orignal filters were hard to find
without buying them off eBay as a used item for a premium price.
Good luck, the filter do make a big difference, my Kenwood is used as a
beater radio for our club Field Day and other outdoor events. The operators
last year raved at how clear the SSB signals were over the previous FD.
"RHF" wrote in message
For One and All,
Need Info on the YK-88S2 IF Filter ? -for- Kenwood R-5000 Receiver
Also may Want-to-Buy [WTB] a YK-88S2 IF Filter -so-
Does Anyone Have a YK-88S2 IF Filter : For Sale ?
Background : There is another Kenwood IF Filter that
is design for one or more of the Kenwood Transcevers
that is Listed as a YK-88S2.
The YK-88S2 is a standard "Can" Solder-In type Filter
and -only- and needs to be mounted on the Dash-One (-1)
"Plug-In" Filter Circuit Boards used by Kenwood in some
of their Transcivers and the R-5000 Receiver.
The YK-88S2 Filter can be used by swapped-it-out with
an existing Filter that is mounted on the Circuit Board
of the Drop-In Filter for the Kenwood R-5000 Receiver.
IIRC - The YK-88S2 is designed to work on 8.83 MHz and
has the same size and circuit characteristis as the
other Filters designed for the Kenwood R-5000 Receiver.
Reference Link/URL for the YK-88S2 Filter
My reading of the Numbers for the YK-88S2 Filter :
The -6 dB Bandwidth would be 3 kHz (2x1.5)
The -20 dB Bandwidth would be 3.8 kHz (2x1.9)
The -60 dB Bandwidth would be 5.5 kHz (2x2.75)
Now comparison this to the KY-88A-1 Filter
The -6 dB Bandwidth would be 6.0 kHz
The -20 dB Bandwidth would be ?.? kHz
The -60 dB Bandwidth would be 11 kHz
My Conclusion is that the Kenwood YK-88S2 (3.0 kHz)
would appear to be usable as a Very-Wide SSB IF Filter
-and/or- a Very-Narrow AM/MW IF Filter
The reason for this posting is -if- the Standard Solder-in
IF Filter Board Mounted of the Kenwood R-5000 Receiver
will take a Kenwood YK-88S2 IF Filter : It should -but-
has anyone had a problem ? ? ? ? ?
=IF= The Kenwood YK-88S2 IF Filter is a Drop-in-Fit
-then- I would like to configure a Kenwood R-5000
Receiver with the following Filters :
1st IF Filter = YK88-A1 - AM 6 kHz for Wide AM
2nd IF Filter = YK88S2 - AM 3 kHz for Narrow AM
3rd IF Filter = YK88S-1 - SSB 2.4 kHz for Very Narrow AM
This Receiver would be "Set-Up" specifically for Shortwave
Radio Broadcast Program Listening and not for Amateur
Radio SSB Reception.
Once Again - Two Questions :
# 1 - Has anyone any more information on the Kenwood
{ Trio } YK88S2 IF Filter ?
# 2 - Has anyone any used the Kenwood { Trio } YK88S2
IF Filter in any Rigs ?
some say - i would if i could . . .
-while- i simply say 'kenwood' ~ RHF
The Kenwood R-5000 Receiver Owners & User's Group
KENWOOD R-5000 RECEIVER = http://tinyurl.com/2o4z8k
Is your place on the WEB to use as a "Resource" for
General and Technical Information about the Kenwood
R-5000 Receiver and to Identifying Common Problems
and Simple Practical Solutions. http://tinyurl.com/2o4z8k
KWR5K = http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kenwood-r5000/
Shortwave Radio Listening Antennas "The Other" 55.5% of SWLing
SWL ANTENNA = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf
- = 2O4Z8K = -